Variable-frequency drive for winch applications

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Variable-frequency drive for winch applications

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Frequency controller for winch applications

A characteristic of a winch is that there must always be good control over the load, even at low speeds. The most common applications for a winch include lifting, pulling, controlled unwinding, maintaining constant tension on the cable, and positioning the load.

Variable-frequency drive for winch applications

Each application has its own requirements for the drive system, including the variable-frequency drive. A characteristic of a winch is that there must always be good control over the load, even at low speeds. A variable-frequency drive with Vector Control regulation is indeed essential in this case.

Vector control without encoder feedback.

When performing relatively simple tasks such as lifting or pulling the load at multiple speeds, a Vector Control system is more than sufficient to achieve a well-functioning drive system that is also straightforward in its design.

Vector Control with encoder feedback.

For more advanced winch applications, it is necessary to provide the variable-frequency drive with precise information about the motor’s behavior. With this, advanced applications such as maintaining constant tension on the cable or 4-quadrant operation, including precise load control at 0Hz (standstill), can be achieved without any issues.

Fluxcon application knowledge

Fluxcon has extensive experience in the field of winches. Applications such as heave compensation, constant tensioning, or positioning of loads in settings like theaters are well-known applications for Fluxcon. Fluxcon also possesses knowledge about lift installations for people and/or goods.